Updated Apr. 28: On-campus COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots (3rd Dose)

公開日 2022/04/28

To prevent the onset and worsening of COVID-19, reduce the burden on local governments related to vaccination, and accelerate the country's inoculation program, Shimane University will conduct additional on-campus vaccinations for its members who wish to be vaccinated.


Matsue Campus

Outline of On-campus COVID-19 Vaccine reception information and what to bring [PDF:900KB]
Please be sure to check the contents before vaccination. 

1. Date

1-1. Saturday, April 23, and Sunday, April 24, 2022

1-2. Tuesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 12, 2022


2. Venue

 Shimane University Matsue Campus (1060 Nishikawatsu-cho, Matsue, Shimane 6908504)

  Reception: 2nd floor of University Union

  Vaccination Site: Gymnasium II


3. Target

Those who have been vaccinated for six months after the second dose, and who are issued a vaccination ticket for the third dose by the local government as of the date of vaccination, and who fall under any of the following

(1) Students, board members, faculty, and staff members who belong to Matsue Campus as of the date of vaccination

(2) Those who work on Matsue Campus on a daily basis as of the vaccination date


* Vaccination tickets for the third dose will be issued by the local government where you live approximately six to seven months after the date of the second vaccination. The ticket is necessary to receive the third dose. If you do not receive the ticket after the said period, please contact your local government as soon as possible. Vaccination tickets for those who reside in Matsue and received two doses at the university from July to September 2021 are expected to be issued in mid-March.
* For those who have been infected with COVID-19 after the second vaccination, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan has decided that the interval between the infection and the additional vaccination should be approximately three months. Those who have been infected within the past three months as of the date of vaccination should refrain from getting vaccinated. 


4. Vaccine

  Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

5. Reservation     Reservation is accepted by online application.
     Reservation period:
       Reservation for Vaccination on Tuesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 12

                         Reservation closed

        Web Page for Reservation

        For SU members: https://vaccinate.shimane-u.ac.jp/3rd/

        For non-SU members: https://vaccinate.shimane-u.ac.jp/3rd/gakugai.php
        * If you have a smartphone, please make a reservation using your smartphone.

How to Make a Reservation for On-campus Vaccination[PDF:620KB]

 ?More information on the vaccination, including what to bring on the day will be posted on the website at a later date.

 ?The above information is subject to change depending on the situation of COVID-19 infectious spread.


6. Reference

 Health Service Center Matsue Campus website:

 https://shimane-u.health.wdeco.jp/_/view/159   (in Japanese)

7. Contact Information
【Inquiry on the on-campus vaccination】
   Shimane University COVID-19 Countermeasures Headquarters Office 0852-32-9797
【Contact when being absent from classes due to vaccination and adverse reactions】
   Faculty of Law and Literature/Graduate School of Human and Social Sciences 0852-32-6121
   Faculty of Education/Graduate School of Education 0852-32-6035
   Faculty of Human Sciences 0852-32-6333
   Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering/Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering)  0852-32-6255
   Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences/Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences)   0852-32-6256


Izumo Campus

A separate notice will be made for Izumo campus members.