Request Regarding Travel for AY2021 Second Semester Classes

公開日 2021/07/19

Matsue Campus Students:


Vice President of Education     

 HIGO Koichi 


Request Regarding Travel for AY2021 Second Semester Classes


Shimane University plans to give AY2021 second semester classes both face-to-face and online, based on the Phase 1 of the Shimane University Action Guidelines in Response to COVID-19.

The latest list of classes and instructions on courses will be announced on the university website in the middle of September.

AY2021 second semester classes will start on October 1 as scheduled in the academic calendar. In order to ensure the smooth operation of classes including face-to-face ones, the university requests you all to respond following the instructions below until the classes start.


〇 If you are away from Shimane and stay in a Special Alert Infection Area designated by the university during the summer vacation, make sure to return to Shimane no later than two weeks before the start of classes (September 16) , stay at home for 14 days after returning, monitor your health condition, and avoid unnecessary outings and contact with others while staying at home.


〇 Return to Shimane at least two weeks before the start of classes (September 16) as some of the areas may be newly designated as Special Alert Infection Area in late September and there is the risk of infection during your travel.


In addition, if you take face-to-face intensive classes during the summer vacation, follow the above instructions.



Regularly check “No. 5 Travel within Japan” in the following link for Special Alert Infection Area, as the updates are, as a rule, made every Friday.

Points to Note Relating to Prevention of the Infectious Spread of Novel Coronavirus 【All Students】



Education Planning Division, Education and Student Support Department

E-mail: epd-kkikaku*

 ※Replace “*” with “@.”