Shimane University’s Response to the Confirmed Case on May 18, 2021

公開日 2021/05/19

【1st Report (May 19, 2021)】

Shimane University will response as follows to the confirmed COVID-19 case reported on May 19, 2021.

We take this matter seriously and will make further efforts to prevent further infection.

Please note that the university hospital is in normal operation.

?University’s Response 【For the time being starting from May 19, 2021】

1. Change in Level

In response to this confirmed case, the Shimane University Action Guidelines in Response to COVID-19 for Izumo Campus has been raised to Level 3, Severe Restrictions.
The level for Matsue Campus remains Level 1, Minimum Restrictions.

Reference: Shimane University Action Guidelines in Response to COVID-19 (As of May 19, 2021)[PDF:579KB]


2. Class

As a rule, all the classes on Izumo Campus are moved to online after May 19 for the time being.
Classes on Matsue Campus have no change.


3. Students' Entry to Campus

Students’ entry to Izumo Campus is prohibited from May 19 for the time being.
Entry to Matsue Campus has no change.


4. Extracurricular Activities for Students

Extracurricular activities for students at Izumo Campus are all prohibited for the time being.
No change is made to Matsue Campus extracurricular activities.