Confirmed Case of COVID-19 at Shimane University (May 18, 2021) 【2nd Report June 2, 2021】

公開日 2021/06/02

【2nd Report (June 2, 2021)】

Relating to the confirmed case on May 18, there have been no further cases found within the university.

With this result, Shimane University will respond as follows.

?University’s Response【As of June 2, 2021】
1. Change in Level
The Shimane University Action Guidelines in Response to COVID-19 for Izumo Campus shall be lowered from Level 3 Severe Restrictions to Level 1 Minimum Restrictions.  
Reference: Shimane University Action Guidelines in Response to COVID-19 (as of June 2, 2021)[PDF:400KB]

2. Classes
Face-to-face classes will restart, However, practical works at the university hospical will start on June 7. 

3. Students' Entry to Campus
They may enter Izumo campus. 

4. Extracurricular Activities for Students
Extracurricular activities for students at Izumo Campus are permitted.

【1st Report (May 18, 2021】

On May 18, 2021, it was confirmed that persons related to Izumo Campus tested positive for COVID-19.

In cooperation with the regional public health center, we are currently trying to narrow down the people who have had close-contact.

As of today, all the lectures and practical works at Izumo Campus are moved to online for the time being in order to prevent further spread.

We pray for the early recovery of the individual and will cooperate with relevant organizations to prevent the spread of infection throughout the university.

In consideration of the affected persons and family member’s personal information and human rights, we will not disclose any personal information on this matter. We ask for your understanding and cooperation.


                  Shimane University President

                             HATTORI Yasunao