Shimane University’s Response during New Year Holidays Relating to the Prevention of COVID-19 Infectious Spread

公開日 2020/12/16

December 16, 2020


Matsue Campus Students:


                               Trustee/Vice President of Planning, Education and Student Services

                                                                                                        ARASE Sakae


Shimane University’s Response during New Year Holidays
Relating to the Prevention of COVID-19 Infectious Spread


Over the past year, Shimane University has been working hard with the students to put initiatives in place so as to continue studies under these unprecedented conditions caused by COVID-19. However, the number of infected people continues to increase nationwide in Japan. During the coming New Year holidays, more people will travel and gather more frequently, which will increase the risk of infection for all students.


Therefore, the university will respond as follows for the period starting December 29, 2020, to January 17, 2021, focusing on infection prevention measures to ready the students for an important time in their studies after winter vacation, such as face-to-face classes, graduation papers/theses and examinations.


【Change in Classes after Winter Vacation】

All classes after winter vacation starting from January 6 to 14 will be conducted online. Please follow the instructions given by teachers via CampusSquare or Moodle, etc. for face-to-face classes, which are to be shifted online.

※ Please refer to the webpage below.



【Entry to Campus】

As a rule, entry to campus from December 29, 2020 to January 17, 2021 is prohibited. However, those who have the following reasons are permitted entry if they have no travel history to the university’s designated Special Alert Infection Area within the past 10 days.

1. You have prior permission to work on your graduation thesis/paper from the dean of the faculty/graduate school or research laboratory.

2. You unavoidably need to use the university library for your graduation thesis/paper.
3. You have prior permission from the dean of your faculty/graduate school or research laboratory to take online classes at campus, as you do not have any equipment or Internet setup at home.
4. You unavoidably need to use cafeteria on campus.
5. You have any other reasons specially approved by the dean of your faculty/graduate school or research laboratory.

※All the buildings except for the General Education Buildings, university cafeteria and library will be locked. Other buildings can be unlocked by using your student ID at the designated entrance. Follow the instructions at the entrance of the General Education Buildings, university cafeteria and library.


【Suspension of Extracurricular Activities】

All extracurricular activities are prohibited for the period from Tuesday, December 29, 2020 to Sunday, January 17, 2021.


Please regularly check the university website for the university’s response relating to COVID-19.



【Change in Classes after Winter Vacation】

Education Planning Group, Education Planning Division

E-mail: epd-kkikaku(a)  ※Replace “(a)” with “@”.


【Entry to Campus】

Contact your faculty/graduate school for 1, 3 and 5.


【Suspension of Extracurricular Activities】

Campus Life Support Group, Student Support Division

E-mail: ssd-somu(a)  ※Replace “(a)” with “@”.