Points to Note Relating to Prevention of the Infectious Spread of Novel Coronavirus 【All Students】

公開日 2022/04/21

Based on Shimane University Action Guidelines and other related rules, we request that you respond as follows in order to prevent the infectious spread. The following is the current response and may change depending on future changes in the situation. Please regularly check the Shimane University official website. In order to protect yourself and the people around you as well as prevent further spread, your understanding and cooperation are appreciated concerning the instructions below.


1. Infectious Spread Prevention in Daily Life (Updated February 21, 2022)

2. Infectious Spread Prevention on Campus (Updated September 14, 2020)

3. Entry to Campus (Updated March 15, 2022)

4. When You Feel Sick and Are Suspected to be Infected (including cases of entering Japan from abroad) (Updated October 19, 2021)

5. Travel within Japan (Updated April 18, 2022)

6. Measures for Students when Ordered to Stay at Home  (Updated April 27, 2020)

7.Extracurricular Activities (Updated April 21, 2022)

8.Job Hunting and Internship Program (Updated May 21, 2021)

9.Overseas Travel  (Updated September 14, 2020)

10. Abolish Prejudice against Patients (Updated September 14, 2020)
11. Other Notes (Updated August 3, 2020)


1. Infectious Spread Prevention in Daily Life (Updated February 21, 2022)

Request from Shimane Prefecture Government (From February 21 for the foreseeable future) 
?You may dine in groups of 4 people or fewer, for a total time limit of 2 hours. 
?Refrain from eating and dining with non-Shimane residents, regardless of gathering with/without alcohol and place.
For more details, please check the Shimane Prefecture Government website below.

All students are required to cooperate as follows in order to prevent infection spread in their daily life, including on campus.

(1) Make sure to wear a face mask whenever going out. (Non-woven masks are recommended.)

 ?In order to prevent heat stroke and to stay healthy, you may take off a face mask when you are outdoors and have enough distance from others, depending on the outside temperature and humidity.


(2) Frequently sanitize or wash your hands and fingers.

 ?Always carry your own handkerchief or towel and do not share them with others.


(3) Avoid the Three C’s (1. Closed space with poor ventilation, 2. Crowded places with many people nearby, and 3. Close-contact setting such as close-range conversation.)

 ?Open doors and windows to ventilate.

 ?Do not organize or join any gatherings (especially ones with food and drinks) where participants are highly likely to have close contact.

【Reference】3つの密を避けるための手引き(厚生労働省)[PDF:1.36MB] (in Japanese)

 ?Refrain from part-time work at such places which tend to be crowded (1. Closed spaces with poor ventilation, 2. Crowded places with many people nearby, and 3. Close-contact setting such as close-range conversations.)

 ?Do not visit restaurants in busy areas where someone attends to you, live music clubs, karaoke bars and indoor sports facilities unless they take necessary prevention measures, such as ventilation, disinfection, measures to keep social distance between visitors, and entry restrictions following the infectious prevention guidelines set by each industry.

 ?You may dine in groups of 4 people or fewer. However, carefully reconsider organizing such gathering. If you unavoidably organize such gathering, make sure if necessary prevention measures are taken following the infectious prevention guidelines set by the industry, and be through on on the prevention measures. Though Shimane Prefecture Government has ended its request to refrain from eating or drinking with non-residents of Shimane, carefully reconsider organizing such gathering. 

(Reference) Infectious Prevention Guidelines by Each Industry (in Japanese)

(4) Regularly check and record your body temperature at home.

 ?If you do not have a thermometer at home, or have come to campus without checking your body temperature, visit the Health Service Center Matsue campus or guard post, or the Academic Affairs Division of the Faculty of Medicine at Izumo campus to check your body temperature.

 ?When necessary, download the Self-Health Checklist to monitor your health condition.


(5) Be cautious of the "5 situations" that increase the risk of infection

?The chart below shows the "5 situations" that increase the risk of infection Try your utmost to avoid these situations to lower the risk. 
"5 situations" that increase the risk of infection [PDF:430KB]


(6) Always record your action history in preparation for positive case to be found around you.

  ?If necessary, download the action history record form below.  

   Action History Memo[PDF:339KB]

   Action History Memo[XLSX:11.2KB]
  ?The university encourages to utilize the app COVID-19 Contact-tracing Application “COCOA” developed by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.


(7) Be sure to follow the request by Shimane Prefecture Governor.

Request by Shimane Prefecture Governor

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2. Infection Spread Prevention on Campus (Updated September 14, 2020)

 In addition to No. 1 “Infection Spread Prevention in Daily Life”, be thorough on the following in order to prevent infection spread while you are on campus.


(1) In cooperation with faculty, ventilate class rooms and laboratories whenever possible.

 ?Remember to ventilate class rooms and laboratories by opening doors and windows.


(2) Be thorough with disinfection.

 ?Disinfectants are available everywhere on campus.

 ?Make sure to sanitize your hands and fingers when entering and leaving buildings, laboratories and class rooms.

 ?Refer to the video on the Health Service Center website.

  【Reference】「With コロナでの研究室における注意点と消毒方法」 (in Japanese)


(3) Whenever possible, refrain from talking in shared indoor spaces.

 ?Refrain from talking in shared spaces where many people gather, such as class rooms and elevators.


(4) Be mindful of infection prevention even at lunch time and break time.

 ?As a rule, no dining is allowed in class rooms. However, there are designated class rooms open only for dining during lunch time from 12:05 to 13:00.

 ?When dining, avoid sitting in front of others, and use tables with acrylic partitions.

 ?Keep at least 1m away from others while dining and try to refrain from conversations.

 ?Disinfect the table after dining.

 ?Take your trash home and never leave it in class rooms.

 ?Utilize outdoor seats when the weather and outside temperature permits.

(5) If you feel sick, notify the university and immediately go home.

 ?If you feel sick, you are not allowed to enter campus.

 ?Follow the instructions in No. 4 “When You Feel Sick and Are Suspected to be Infected (including cases of entering Japan from abroad).

 ?Consult the Health Service Center on when you can come to campus.


(6) Go home immediately if you have finished your reasons for coming to campus, such as attending classes.

 ?After returning home, gargle, and wash and sanitize your hands and fingers.

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3. Entry to Campus (Updated March 15, 2022)

As a rule, students' entry to campus is permitted only when they have one of the following reasons: 1) They have classes 2) They need to engage in research activities 3) They participate in the permitted extracurricular activities 4) They unavoidably need to use the library, cafeteria, and shops on campus, while following the above No.  2. Infection Spread Prevention on Campus.

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4. When You Feel Sick and Are Suspected to be Infected Travel within Japan (including cases of entering Japan from abroad) (Updated May 20, 2022)

Be sure to notify the university following the flowchart [PDF:874KB] when: 

?You undergo a PCR or an antigen test; 
?Your co-resident undergoes a PCR or an antigen test; 
? You have cold symptoms such as fever and/or cough, or you have problems with your sense of smell or taste;

? You have strong drowsiness (malaise) or difficulty breathing (dyspnea);

? You have had close contact with someone diagnosed with the novel coronavirus or diagnosed suspected to have the virus(*1);

? You enter Japan from a Level 2 or higher infected region(*2);

? You have had close contact with someone entering Japan from a Level 2 or higher infected region.

(*1) What is “close contact”?

Those who have had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case during the past 2 days before the person developed symptoms, and those under any of the following conditions.

?Living with or spending long periods of time with a confirmed case (includes being in a car together or on the same flight)

?Those administering a medical examination, care or nursing care to a patient (a case) who is not following appropriate protection against infection

?Those with a high probability of having directly come into contact with contaminants such as respiratory secretions and bodily fluids of a confirmed case

? Staying with a confirmed case for more than 15 minutes at a close distance (about 1 meter) without following appropriate protection against infection. (Comprehensive judgement on each case)

(Reference: Japan National Institute of Infectious Diseases’ survey)


(*2) Please check the Overseas Safety website (MOFA) below for more information on the infectious disease risk levels.

https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/  (Japanese only)

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5. Travel within Japan (Updated April 18, 2022)

【Update on April 18】Request from Cabinet Secretariat and Shimane Prefecture Government
?If you unavoidably need to visit Okinawa prefecture, be sure to complete the booster shot before your visit, or you undergo the test to confirm negative at your departure point. 

Request from Shimane Prefecture Government (From February 21 for the foreseeable future) 
?Whenever possible, avoid non-essential, non-urgent travels to all prefectures outside Shimane Prefecture.
?Regarding a business trip to outside Shimane Prefecture, please check the situation of the destination, and consider postponing the trip or replacing it with online meetings. You may travel only when the trip is unavoidably necessary. 
For more details, please check the Shimane Prefecture Government website below.

Follow the instructions below for business trip, training and private travel within Japan.

?When you travel away from Shimane, notify your affiliation and supervisor of your destination and duration before and after the travel. After returning to Shimane, monitor and record your health condition on the Self-HealthChecklist for 14 days.
?Carefully reconsider travel plans to the areas under the state of emergency declaration or quasi-emergency measures and the areas where local governments are requesting citizens to refrain from non-essential, non-urgent outdoor travel.
    *the areas where local governments are requesting citizens to refrain from non-essential, non-urgent outdoor travel: None (source: Shimane Prefecture Government website)
?You need to stay at home for 14 days, monitor your health condition, and avoid unnecessary contact with others after returning to Shimaneif you unavoidably joined dining and drinking in groups of 5 people or more in the areas under the state of emergency declaration or quasi-emergency measures. However, if you have a negative result of a PCR or an antigen test that you take 7 days (in principle) after returning to Shimane, you are not required to stay at home.

If you would like a PCR or an antigen test, please contact the following.

Matsue Campus :  Health Service Center Matsue Campus (Email: health(at)soc.shimane-u.ac.jp)
Izumo Campus :  Health Service Center Izumo Campus (0853-20-2099) or Student Affairs Division, Faculty of Medicine (0853-20-2093)

If you travel outside Shimane, please especially be noted the following points.
?Be thorough on infectious prevention measures (wearing a mask, sanitizing hands and fingers, avoiding the “Three Cs”.)
?Avoid visiting busy areas at night.
?When organizing or joining any gatherings (especially ones with food and drinks), refrain from using such restaurants or facilities unless they take necessary prevention measures.
?Utilize the app COVID-19 Contact-tracing Application “COCOA.”

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6. Measures for Students when Ordered to Stay at Home (Updated April 27, 2020)

If you are ordered to stay at home concerning this notice, stay at home and contact the office of faculty or graduate school you belong to in order to seek for special consideration for classes/exams during the stay at home period.


Contact Information

【Matsue Campus】

Faculty of Law and Literature/Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Tel 0852-32-6121

Faculty of Education/Graduate School of Education Tel 0852-32-6035

Faculty of Human Sciences Tel 0852-32-6333

Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering/Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering) Tel 0852-32-6255

Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences/Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences) Tel 0852-32-6256

【Izumo Campus】

Faculty of Medicine Tel 0853-20-2085

Graduate School of Medical Research Tel 0853-20-2086

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7. Extracurricular Activities (Updated April 21, 2022)

Extracurricular activities at the Matsue campus have limited permission for only some clubs that meet the university guidelines and take the utmost infection prevention measures.

Although you are a Matsue Campus student and do not belong to any official club, you are still required to follow the above instructions as a member of Shimane University. Also, note that Matsue campus facilities, such as the athletic field, gymnasium, and tennis courts are only open to designated official club activities and classes under the supervision of teachers.


Refer to the Faculty of Medicine website for the extracurricular activities at Izumo Campus. 


※The above measures at both campuses may change depending on the future situation.

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8. Job Hunting and Internship Program (Updated May 21, 2021)

(Matsue campus students)

〇 Job Hunting
If you travel for job hunting purposes, follow the rules as written in “No.5 Travel within Japan”, notify your supervisor of your destination, length of stay, reason why you need to travel (Example: attending final interview).

〇 Internship Program


If you wish to join internship programs you are recommended to join non-face-to-face programs, such as ones conducted online, in order to prevent further spread. If you unavoidably need to join a face-to-face program, follow the prevention instructions given by your host. Also, be thorough with wearing a face mask and sanitizing your hands and fingers, even without instruction. Continue monitoring your health and recording your activity (where you went and who you met) for 2 weeks after joining the internship program.

For those who join internship programs, even if they are short-term or non-face-to-face, be sure to join the course titled “インターンシップ事前指導“ on Moodle prepared by the Career Section, Center for University Higher Education, Shimane University. Once your participation to the internship program is confirmed, submit the form “インターンシップ参加届.”

インターンシップ事前指導(video can be found in Moodle course titled “就職ガイダンス(インターン&就活)”) (in Japanese)

インターンシップ参加届 (in Japanese)?

(Izumo campus students)

Refer to the latest post titled “学生の皆さんへ 医学部新型コロナウイルス感染症対策委員会 報告” and check the section “5. 学生生活(帰省、アルバイト、病院見学等、課外活動) and obtain the prior approval. 

  学生の皆さんへ 医学部新型コロナウイルス感染症対策委員会 報告 (in Japanese)

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9.Overseas Travel (Updated September 14, 2020)

Cancel all travel (including private travel) to Infected Disease Risk Level 3 regions, and unnecessary, non-urgent travel to Level 2 regions.

Please check the Overseas Safety website (MOFA) below for more information on the infectious disease risk levels.

https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/ (Japanese only)

Please note that some countries/regions set travel restrictions for the Japanese and for people traveling from Japan.

【For foreign nationals】

If you unavoidably need to travel to an Infected Disease Risk Level 2 or 3 region, your travel is permitted as an exemption only when you meet all the following requirements.


    ? You have resident status in Japan.

    ? You pledge to comply with additional epidemic prevention and control measures before leaving Japan.

    ? You receive a Receipt for request of re-entry from the Immigration Services Agency of Japan.

    ? You have obtained a re-entry permit from the country/region designated as subject to denial of landing.

   ※Consult with your supervisor or the International Exchange Division.

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10. Abolish Prejudice against Patients (Updated September 14, 2020)

Strictly refrain from unjust discrimination, bullying and abuse regarding infected patients. Be considerate of the human rights of those infected and never spread information from unknown sources or personal information on the internet and social media.

 【Reference】Stop Prejudice and Distrimination Against Those Affecter With COVID-19 (Shimane Prefecture Government website)

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11. Other Notes (Updated August 3, 2020)

?Regularly check the Shimane University official website for the latest information.

?Izumo campus students are required to check the Faculty of Medicine website as well.

?Related Websites

The above measures are based on information on the websites of relevant ministries and agencies, but the measures may change in the future. Please check the information you need, and be careful to calmly deal with unnecessary anxiety and confusion caused by questionable information.


《Related Websites》

 ?Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Home Page

 ?Shimane Prefecture Govetnment Home Page COVID-19 information

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