公開日 2020/05/07
※As Japan's nationwide state of emergency has been extended until May 31, the request below also remains in effect until May 31. Your continuous cooperation is highly appreciated.
---(Request posted on April 20, 2020)-------------------------------------------------------
April 20, 2020
Undergraduate and Graduate School Students:
COVID-19 Coutnermeasures Headquarters
Request for Thorough Cooperation to Prevent the Infectious Spread in Response to the Declaration of State of Emergency
The declaration of state of emergency has been extended nationwide from April 16 until May 6 as the infectious spreads rapidly. In Shimane Prefecture, more than 10 cases have been confirmed so far, which exhibits the worsening of the spread.
Responding to the extension of the state of emergency that now includes Shimane, Shimane Prefecture Governor MARUYAMA requests people to avoid unnecessary outings except those that are essential, such as shopping for daily necessities, and to refrain from unessential non-urgent travels to outside Shimane during the coming long holidays (Golden Week).
We once again request your thorough cooperation in order to protect yourself and people around you as well as prevent further spread. Please strictly follow the instructions below.
1. Until May 6, do not travel away from where you currently reside. If you unavoidably need to travel, such as back to your home country/region, make sure to inform your supervisor of your destination, length of stay, reason why you need to travel, prior to your travel.
2. If you have traveled away as in No.1 above, stay home for two weeks after returning home/Japan,monitor your health condition, avoid non-essential outings and refrain from contact with others.
3. Refrain from part-time work at such places which tends to be crowded (1. Closed space with poor ventilation, 2. Crowded places with many people nearby, and 3. Close-contact setting such as close-range conversation.)
4. Do not visit restaurants in busy areas where someone attends to you.
5. Do not organize any gatherings (especially ones with food and drinks) where participants are highly likely to have close contact.
6. No extracurricular activities including training, competitions, trips, training camps, concerts, gatherings and parties, and non-essential entry to campus are permitted.
7. Health check-ups for students scheduled for April 21 and May 18 have been postponed. (Matsue campus only)
8. If you feel sick (have cold symptoms such as fever) or are suspected to be infected, please follow the flowchart below.
0417Flowchart when you feel sick or are suspected to be infected [PDF:484KB]
*Your personal information is handled with utmost care.