Measures to Prevent the Infectious Spread of Novel Coronavirus Updated on April 27

公開日 2020/04/28

April 28, 2020

Measures to Prevent the Infectious Spread of the Novel Coronavirus
Updated on April 27


To prevent the spread of infection, students, faculty, and staff members are requested to respond as follows. The following is the current response, and may change depending on future changes in the situation.e changes in the situation.

1. Infection Spread Prevention

2. When you feel sick and are suspected to be infected

3. Overseas Travel

4. Measures for Students, Faculty and Staff Not Attending Classes and/or Work (“Work Ban”)

5. Related Websites


アンカーアンカー(Infection Spread Prevention)

1. Prevention for the spread of the novel coronavirus is the same as prevention measures for influenza. Please maintain good physical condition by getting adequate sleep and nutrition, follow coughing etiquette and wash your hands frequently with soap to prevent infection. All students, faculty and staff members are required to cooperate in order to prevent further spread by any possible measures, such as avoiding places which tend to be crowded (1. Closed space with poor ventilation, 2. Crowded places with many people nearby, and 3. Close-contact setting such as close-range conversation).

?Avoid 3Cs (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Home Page)

アンカーアンカー (When you feel sick and are suspected to be infected)

2. Be sure to notify the university following the chart below. 

Flowchart when you feel sick and are suspected to be infecte[PDF]


Contact Shimane University when:

? You have cold symptoms such as fever and/or cough;

? You have strong drowsiness (malaise) or difficulty breathing (dyspnea);

? You have had close contact with someone diagnosed with the novel coronavirus or diagnosed suspected to have the virus(*1);

? You enter Japan from a Level 2 or higher infected region (*2);

? You have had close contact with someone entering Japan from a Level 2 or higher infected region.


(*1) What is “close contact”?

Those who have had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case during the past 2 days before the person developed symptoms, and those under any of the following conditions.


?Living with or spending long periods of time with a confirmed case (includes being in a car together or on the same flight)

?Those administering a medical examination, care or nursing care to a patient (a case) who is not following appropriate protection against infection

?Those with a high probability of having directly come into contact with contaminants such as respiratory secretions and bodily fluids of a confirmed case

? Staying with a confirmed case for more than 15 minutes at a close distance (about 1 meter) without following appropriate protection against infection. (Comprehensive judgement on each case)

(Reference: Japan National Institute of Infectious Diseases’ survey)

(*2) Please check the Overseas Safety website (MOFA) below for more information on the infectious disease risk levels.  (Japanese only)


  Download the Self-Health Checklist.


アンカーアンカー (Overseas Travel)

3. For students, faculty and staff, cancel all travel (including private travel) to Infected Disease Risk Level 3 regions, and unnecessary, non-urgent travel to Level 2 regions.

Please check the Overseas Safety website (MOFA) below for more information on the infectious disease risk levels. (Japanese only)
The Overseas Safety website (MOFA) is available in Japanese only. If you want to enter Japan, or are planning overseas travel, and would like to know the infectious disease risk level of your location of departure and/or destination, please check with your counterpart, supervisor, office staff in your department or the International Exchange Division at SU.

アンカー アンカー(Measures for Student, Faculty and Staff Not Attending Classes and/or Work (“Work Ban”))
4. The measures for staying at home and not attending class and/or work (“Work Ban”) are for people who meet the following criteria: No.2 above “When you feel sick and are suspected to be infected” and those who returned to Shimane from outside Shimane Prefecture (*1).
      1   Student Rules for Staying at Home and Not Attending Class (2020.2.21) (PDF)
2   Faculty and Staff Member Rules for Stayin at HOme and note Attending Work ("Work Ban") (2020.3.4.0) [PDF:401KB]

(*1)Those who returned to Shimane from outside Shimane Prefecture should follow the measures until May 6, 2020. However, the deadline may be extended if the state of emergency is extended beyond May 6.

アンカーアンカー(Related Websites)

5. The above measures are based on information on the websites of relevant ministries and agencies, but the measures may change in the future as the Infection Disease Risk Level is raised or lowered. Please check the information you need, and be careful to calmly deal with unnecessary anxiety and confusion caused by questionable information.

《Related Websites》
 ?Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Home Page 




COVID-19 Countermeasures Headquarters Office
