Guide to Taking Online Classes (Matsue campus)

公開日 2020/04/27

Implementation of Online Classes


Information Tools for Online Classes

As previously stated in the article titled “Preparing to Take Online Classes” posted on April 14, classes are to be conducted online by using tools such as Shimane University Moodle, Zoom, and Office 365 Teams. (You will be given instructions by the teacher in charge of the class if any other tools are to be used.)



Steps for Taking Online Classes

1. Preparation

Ready devices such as a computer, tablet or smartphone, and an internet connection. When using a smartphone, be careful not to exceed your contracted data limit. Japan’s major mobile phone companies are now waiving the charge for additional data for young people. Refer to your mobile phone carrier’s website for more details. Do not apply for this waiver for the purposes other than taking online classes


2. Set up the VPN connection using the link below.   (You can switch the language on the webpage)


3. Log into “Campus Square (Academic Affairs Information System)” and read the content of the classes (syllabus). Select a class to take and confirm its content and how the class is run. (i.e. How the class is conducted, how to access the class.)


4.  Register your classes on Campus Square during the period from April 27 to May 13.  Note that the pre-registration period for common classes held by the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology is set from 0:00 on April 27 to 17:00 on April 30. Some classes set the registration deadline before May 13, so carefully check the list of classes as well as the syllabus.


5.  Refer to “その他" on the syllabus for the type of class, and then register for the system such as Moodle and Teams as required.


6.  Your registered classes will be available from May 7.


7.  Take classes and do assignments following the instructions by the teacher in charge of the class.


8. If you have questions about your classes, directly contact the teacher in charge of the class (Teacher’s contact information available on the syllabus.)  


Place to Take Online Classes

?As a rule, take online classes at your home. Refrain from gathering at friend’s place to take classes together. (Gathering is strictly prohibited.)

? In the case you are unable to ready the above equipment or internet connection, you may use the university’s facilities. Information on reservation, venue, availability, and how to use them will be informed at a later date.

?Some classes will use Zoom. There will be a Zoom connection test prior to the start of classes on May 7. The test date will be announced once it is decided. 


Syllabus and Moodle

Syllabuses show students detailed information about a class, including information on the purpose of the class, its goal, schedule, type of class, textbook(s) and references, and grading. Also it offers information about taking the class online such as the type of online class, what to prepare in advance, and how to access the online class. Carefully read the syllabus of your registered classes to get ready. Many classes give detailed class information, such as content and the type of instruction per lesson via Shimane University Moodle (2020 ver.) Make sure to register on Moodle, complete your registration on Campus Square, and enroll in classes on Moodle to take classes following the instructions given by the teachers.

Shimane University Moodle User's Guide (for students)[PDF:1010KB]


Note on Copyrighted Materials for Online Classes

Copyrights on text and images used in online class materials and other works belong to the author who produced them. (Copyrights of cited materials are the property of original author.) It is not a problem to use class materials for the purpose of your own study, but note that the Copyright Act prohibits such actions as making copies and distributing copied materials. Such actions may be subject to punishment. In other words, it is not a problem to download class materials such as videos and data files on Moodle and use them for your study, but it is prohibited to upload these materials to any video streaming websites and social media without obtaining the author’s (teacher’s) permission. Be careful when handling class materials so as not to infringe the copyrights of others.


Requests While Staying at Home

→Taking online classes are likely to make your life irregular.

Keep in mind to maintain your regular study and lifestyle patterns.

→Take good care of yourself to keep in good health.

Get enough sleep and eat regular meals to stay healthy. Monitor your health condition by recording your body temperature (purchase your own thermometer) and respiratory tract status.

→Be thorough with hand washing, cough etiquette, disinfection, and wearing a face mask whenever going out.

In addition to washing hands and following cough etiquette in your daily life, be thorough with disinfection and wearing a face mask before and after the use of common places.

→Avoid non-essential non-urgent outings, especially events with many people.

Close-range conversation with many people in closed spaces will increase the risk of infectious spread, even if the people do not show symptoms such as coughing and sneezing.

→Obtain correct information to make the right judgement.

Try to collect appropriate information and understand it properly so as not to cause careless behavior based on rumors or presumptions, and not to make thoughtless social media posts that are based on speculation.


Flowchart for when you have symptoms or are suspected to be infected
