Japanese Language and Culture Study Program Award Ceremony

公開日 2019/09/02

On Monday, August 19th, we held the completion ceremony of the Japanese Language and Culture Study Program with 4 students from China, Korea, and Indonesia completing the program. Additionally, this year’s certificates were again made with Japanese paper that the students made themselves. The students were able to watch and practice this traditional process of paper making on a number of occasions. The participants this year as well as in years past actively participated in the various events as well as communicate well with the Japanese students and were able to absorb knowledge that they would normally not have been able to attain inside the classroom setting.
President Hattori, during an informal talk with the participants, praised the students’ progress in Japanese proficiency during their year of study, whereas the students showed their determination to continue studying Japanese in the future. This opportunity should act as a future bridge between Japan and the participants’ native countries.

*The Japanese and Japanese Culture Study Program is supported by the Japanese Government (Ministry of Education) and is specially designed to promote understanding for Japanese language and culture at Japanese universities. Shimane University is accepting students who participate in this program from around the world.



?修了証書授与? 懇談の様子

